That's why STAIR has joined the "Every Child Alabama" Coalition to advocate for better and improved student-weighted funding reform in Alabma.
Keep reading to find out how YOU can get involved in making sure EVERY child in Alabama has access to the same resources to have the bright future they're destined for.
Chief Academic Officer, Joel Smith, dives deeper in to the antiquated funding system in Alabama, how it's hindering student growth, and a path forward for Alabama's Education Funding Reform.
Read HereWatch the short video below (turn sideways for mobile viewing) and then dig in to the Every Child Alabama Coalition website and see Why Funding Matters for all of the different types students in Alabama.
Every Child AlabamaFind your State District Representatives!
The link below provides an interactive map where you can zoom in on your street and determine who you can contact. We just ask that you send an email or make a call stating that you are in favor of School Funding Reform in Alabama to be student-weighted and give equal opportunities to Every Child in Alabama. **Example Script Below!**
i.e. If you live in Downtown Birmingham near Railroad Park, you are located in District 6 in Alabama. Your State House Representative is Travis Hendrix and your State Senator is Rodger M. Smitherman.
Legislation begins FEBRUARY 4th. Get involved now!